
Bible Study Groups

We have several women’s  Bible Study groups. Women of all ages are welcome. At each meeting we dedicate time to study, discussion, prayer and refreshments. Typically, the groups work their way through a Bible book per season.

Tuesday mornings (bi-weekly) there is a seniors’ Bible study at various members’ homes.

On Thursday mornings a group meets at the church, weekly. Child-minding and story hour are available.

Bi-weekly, on Thursday evenings, a women’s Bible study group meets at the church.

Once a year, the women’s Bible study groups from the Canadian and United Reformed churches meet together for a  women’s League Day, an opportunity for study and fellowship. Bi-annually an overnight Reformed Women’s Retreat is organized.

Helping Hands

Being part of the body means that help carry each others’ burdens (Galatians 6:2).Whenever a need arises in the congregation, women stand ready to help. In the case of illness, death, and other events that significantly impact a family, Helping Hands swing into action. Under the leadership of a coordinator,  meals, baking and other practical help are provided for as long as necessary.

Ladies Aid

Ladies Aid is a volunteer group of women who coordinate and help provide hospitality for congregational events. These include the monthly after church socials, fellowship times after baptisms and milestone birthdays and anniversaries. Their help for special family events is available upon request.