
Sharing the Good News

We believe that all believers will be excited to share God’s message of salvation with others. We ourselves honour Christ as Lord and are prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks us for a reason for the hope that is in us, doing so with gentleness and respect (1 Peter 3:15).  The congregation strives to have a missional approach to being church.

To support and encourage the congregation in its outreach, we have an Evangelism Committee. Congregation members are active in areas of Vacation Bible School, an Annual Pancake Breakfast, monthly vespers at Zion Park Manor. The Evangelism Committee also coordinates the Greeters and Hosting Families Lists.

Because the congregation members are well-integrated into the local communities, they are involved in charitable organizations such as NightShift Ministries, Inn for Women, Union Gospel Mission and Surrey Food Bank.

Vacation Bible School

Each summer our church provides a week of Vacation Bible school. All neighbourhood children as well as the children from the congregation are invited to attend a week of Bible study and related activities. No fees are required.

Stepping Stones Bible Camp

Stepping Stones is a Christian, non-profit, five-day overnight summer Bible camp for students from Grades 3 to 12. This camp strives to provide children with a safe, exciting camp experience, filled with great activities and adventures, teaching them more about the gospel of Jesus Christ and God’s wonderful creation.  http://steppingstonesbiblecamp.ca/