2016-10-30 AM

October 30, 2016
Public Reading of Holy Scripture 1 Peter 3:8-22 Ministry of the Word in Genesis 45:1-15 In forgiving his brothers, Joseph shows us the paradox between God's sovereignty & providence and our…

2015-10-25 AM

October 25, 2015
Ministry of the Word Genesis 29:31-30:24In the midst of human sin and selfishness, God shows himself faithful to his promise to Jacob

2015-09-13 PM

September 13, 2015
Ministry of the Word as confessed in Lord's Day 18Baptism of Sophia Darlene Lengkeek,Christ told us the truth: It is for our good that he went away The truth of…

2015-03-15 PM

March 15, 2015
Ministry of the WordMatt 15:21-28By healing the faithful Canaanite woman's daughter, Jesus reveals God's salvation by grace alone, to all nationsWe will see The faith of the Gentile “dog” The…

2014-01-19 AM

January 19, 2014
Text: Philippians 3:10-14 Press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called us heavenward We do so by 1. Forgetting what is behind 2, Straining…

2013-12-21 PM

December 21, 2013
Ministry of the Word in Luke 1:26-38Gabriel comes again to announce the birth of King JesusThe angel's astonishing report Mary's humble reply

2013-11-24 PM

November 24, 2013
Ministry of the Word as confessed in Lord's Day 3Our sin is entirely our fault God's good creation Our total fall

2013-11-24 AM

November 24, 2013
Ministry of the Word:Ephesians 2:1-10The glorious gospel of Christ Jesus: By grace you have been saved! What you were: dead in transgressions and sins What you are now: made alive…