Public Reading of Holy Scripture Joel 2:28-32 Ministry of the Word in Acts 11:1-18 The Holy Spirit brings about the Jewish acceptance of Gentile believers The criticism countered The response…
Public Reading of Holy Scripture Ecclesiastes 11:7-12:14 Matthew 6:25-34 Ministry of the Word in Ecclesiastes 11:9-12:1 God's desire for his youth...until old age Enjoy life! Remember your Creator!
Public Reading of Holy Scripture Deuteronomy 14:1-21 Ministry of the Word in Acts 10 From his throne, King Jesus reveals the wideness of his grace the gospel messenger convinced the…
Public Reading of Holy Scripture {Isaiah 56:1-8 Matthew 6:5-15 Ministry of the Word in Lord's Day 45 Our Lord Jesus teaches us to pray the place of prayer the pattern…
Public Reading of Holy Scripture 1 Kings 17:17-24 Ministry of the Word in Acts 5:32-43 From his throne, King Jesus heals the sick and raises the dead His purpose His…
Public Reading of Holy Scripture Joel 2:28-32 Ministry of the Word in Acts 9:19-31 Christ's greatest persecutor turns into his greatest ambassador how he fares how the church fares
Public Reading of Holy Scripture {Psalm 24 1 Timothy 6 Ministry of the Word as Confessed in Lord's Day 42 Given God's Law to Be God's Light The Eighth Commandment "Belonging…
LORD's Supper Celebration The about to ascend King at his diciples feet
Public Reading of Holy Scripture Proverbs 3:1-8 Colossians 3:1-17 Ministry of the Word in Proverbs 3:3,4 Adorn yourselves with godliness the ornaments of godliness the rewards of godliness
Public Reading of Holy Scripture Psalm 51:1- John 8:1-11 Ministry of the Word in Lord's Day 41 Given God's law to be God's Light: The Seventh Commandment Finding and fostering…