2016-07-03 AM

July 3, 2016
Public Reading of Holy Scripture Joel 2:28-32 Ministry of the Word in Acts 11:1-18 The Holy Spirit brings about the Jewish acceptance of Gentile believers The criticism countered The response…

2016-06-19 AM

June 19, 2016
Public Reading of Holy Scripture Ecclesiastes 11:7-12:14 Matthew 6:25-34 Ministry of the Word in Ecclesiastes 11:9-12:1 God's desire for his youth...until old age Enjoy life! Remember your Creator!

2016-06-12 AM

June 12, 2016
Public Reading of Holy Scripture Deuteronomy 14:1-21 Ministry of the Word in Acts 10 From his throne, King Jesus reveals the wideness of his grace the gospel messenger convinced the…

2016-06-05 PM

June 5, 2016
Public Reading of Holy Scripture {Isaiah 56:1-8 Matthew 6:5-15 Ministry of the Word in  Lord's Day 45 Our Lord Jesus teaches us to pray the place of prayer the pattern…

2016-06-05 AM

June 5, 2016
Public Reading of Holy Scripture 1 Kings 17:17-24 Ministry of the Word in Acts 5:32-43 From his throne, King Jesus heals the sick and raises the dead His purpose His…

2016-05-15 AM

May 15, 2016
Public Reading of Holy Scripture Joel 2:28-32 Ministry of the Word in Acts 9:19-31 Christ's greatest persecutor turns into his greatest ambassador how he fares how the church fares

2016-05-01 PM

May 1, 2016
Public Reading of Holy Scripture Proverbs 3:1-8 Colossians 3:1-17 Ministry of the Word in Proverbs 3:3,4 Adorn yourselves with godliness the ornaments of godliness the rewards of godliness

2016-04-17 PM

April 17, 2016
Public Reading of Holy Scripture Psalm 51:1- John 8:1-11 Ministry of the Word in Lord's Day 41 Given God's law to be God's Light: The Seventh Commandment Finding and fostering…