2010-08-01 AM

August 1, 2010
Ministry of the Word:Acts 2:39Christ calls His church to heed and celebrate the Covenant of Promise The CONTENT of this promise The ADDRESS of this promise The POWER of this…

2010-05-16 PM

May 16, 2010
Ministry of the Word as confessed: Lord's Day 45Prayer is the most important way to express our thankfulness to God.Lord's Day 45 deals with the necessity and content of prayer,…

2010-05-16 AM

May 16, 2010
Ministry of the Word: Luke 24:50-53The blessing & joy of the Church at the ascensin of our Lord & Saviour

2009-11-22 PM

November 22, 2009
Ministry of the Word as confessed in Lord's Day 17Christ the Lord has risen from the dead It is revealed as an historical and glorious reality It is geat and…

2009-07-19 PM

July 19, 2009
Ministry of the Word as confessed: Lord's Day 13Jesus Christ is a complete Saviour:1. He is God's only-begotten son2. He is the first-born among many3. He is the Lord of…

2009-05-24 PM

May 24, 2009
Ministry of the Word as confessed in Lord's Day 7He who believes will be saved We are called to believe We are told how to believe We are informed what…

2009-05-24 AM

May 24, 2009
Ministry of the Word: Luke 24:51,52The Blessing and Joy of the Church at the Ascension of her Lord and Saviour

2008-10-05 PM

October 5, 2008
Ministry of the Word as confessed in Lord's Day 33Children of God are called to turn from wicked works to good works which means a daily turning from unbelief to…

2008-04-20 PM

April 20, 2008
Text:Lord's Day 15The unique suffering of our Lord and Savior 1. The Extent 2. The Place 3. The Depth of His suffering

2008-04-20 AM

April 20, 2008
Text:1 Peter 1:3-5Our hope and expectatio nis a heavenly inheritance 1. The Source 2. The Content 3. The Certainty of this hope and expectation