Ministry of the Word as confessed in Lord's Day 5Catechesis: For learning, articulating, and practicing the Christian FaithChristians yearn for God's righteous judgment against us to be satisfiedThis is because…
Ministry of the Word Lord's Day 4Catechesis: For learning, articulating, and practicing the Christian FaithChristians take comfort in God's Mercy, but not by turnining a blind eye to his justice.…
Ministry of the Word Lord's Day 3Catechesis: For learning, articulating, and practicing the Christian faith=Christians accept the bad news about human depravity, but not without embracing the good news about…
Ministry of the Word As Confessed in Lord's Day 2Catechesis: For learning, articulating an practicing the Christian Faith:Christians love God's law, even when it declares hte uncomfortable truththe ancient roots…
Ministry of the Word as confessed in Lord's Day 1Catechesis helps us learn, articulate, and practice our faith in the one true God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.the ancient roots…