Sermon by Rev. Bouwman Text:Lord's Day 25God the Holy Spirit sovereignly uses the ear to work faith in His people. The means God uses to work faith, The message God's…
Public Reading of Holy Scripture Matthew 20:1-16 Ephesians 2:1-22 Ministry of the Word as confessed in Lord's Day 24 Our Good Works make no part of our righteousness before God.…
Text:Lord's Day 23The glorious gospel of rightousness and life everlasting Given by grace only; Recieved by faith only;
Sermon by Rev. KampenText:Lord's Day 22In the last two articles of her undoubted Christian faith, the church confesses what it believes about the afterlifeIt will be a life: In the…
Text:Lord's Day 21The Son of God is building His Church
Text:Lord's Day 1My only comfort is my belonging to Jesus Christ An undeniable fact in this belonging Possession in this belonging Responsibility in this belonging Never-ending in this belonging
Text: Lord's Day 20 We confess our faith in the Holy Spirit He works together with the Father and the Son He unites us with Christ
Text:Lord's Day 19The Bride confesses that her groom is King and will come as Judge.We see: How the Groom's Kingship benifits the bride every day; How the Groom's Judgeship comforts…
Sermon by Rev. G. van PoptaText:Lord's Day 16The death of Christ is life-transforming. 1. Physical death 2. Spiritual Death. 3. Eternal Death
Sermon by Rev. W. BredenhofText:Lord's Day 18The Lord Jesus ascended into heaven, yet also remains with us on earth.We see: 1. The fact of His ascension 2. The character of…