2019-04-21 PM

April 21, 2019
Public Reading of Holy Scripture Matthew 27:57-28:15; Luke 24:33-49 Ministry of the Word in Matthew 28:11-15; Luke 24:41a The resurrection is an incredible reality There are those who do not…

2018-02-18 PM

February 18, 2018
Public Reading of Holy Scripture Ezekiel 18 Ministry of the Word in Lord's Day 4 The perfect marriage of justice and of mercy God's high standard The soul's heavy responsibility…

2017-09-10 AM

September 10, 2017
Public Reading of Holy Scripture Genesis 15:1-6 Romans 4:1-5:11 Ministry of the Word in Romans 5:1-5 Justified By Faith, Saved For Life Our steadfast peace in Christ Our surprising glory…

2017-01-29 PM

January 29, 2017
Public Reading of Holy Scripture Matthew 27:45-51 Acts 2:22-36 1 Peter 3:17-21 Ministry of the Word in Lord's Day 16 Descended into hell?! Two un-Scriptural Meanings Two Scriptural Meanings

2016-12-04 PM

December 4, 2016
Public Reading of Holy Scripture Psalm 73 Isaiah 45:1-8 Ministry of the Word in Lord's Day 10 The Gospel of God's Hand Everything in God's Hand Everything from God's Hand…

2016-11-06 AM

November 6, 2016
Public Reading of Holy Scripture Nehemiah 5:1-14 Acts 4:32-37 Ministry of the Word in Nehemiah 5:1-14 The Lord demonstrates through Nehemiah the power of Christian love in dealing with Israel's…

2016-08-14 AM

August 14, 2016
Public Reading of Holy Scripture Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23 Galations 5:13-26 Ministry of the Word in Galations 5:22a To love one another is the first and most important fruit of the Holy…

2010-07-25 AM

July 25, 2010
Ministry of the Word:Success for the saints is measured by service How it is not to be among Christians How it is to be among Christians