2017-03-26 AM

March 26, 2017
Public Reading of Holy Scripture Exodus 33:7-23 Hebrews 3:1-6 Ministry of the Word in Numbers 1:1 The Church in the Wilderness The place The people The LORD

2017-03-12 AM

March 12, 2017
Public Reading of Holy Scripture Revelation 3:14-22 Ministry of the Word in Revelation 3:20 Let Me Dine With You! Celebration of the Lord's Supper

2016-12-11 PM

December 11, 2016
Public Reading of Holy Scripture 2 Kings 2:1-15 Ministry of the Word in 2 Kings 6: 8-23 The God who makes us see and not see The all­seeing prophet, The suddenly­seeing…

2015-05-24 AM

May 24, 2015
Ministry of the WordActs 2:42Pentecost Transforms the Churcha) the teaching of the apostlesb) the fellowship of the saintsc) The worship of the Lord

2015-05-03 PM

May 3, 2015
Ministry of the Word as Confessed in Lord's Day 4God of Justice, God of Mercy a deliberate disobedience a just judgment a great mercy

2015-05-03 AM

May 3, 2015
Ministry of the Word:John 20:24-31Our Risen Lord Deals with Thomas He confronts the doubter He blesses the distant He reassures the discipled

2015-04-26 PM

April 26, 2015
Ministry of the Word as Confessed in Lord's Day 3Our Creation, Fall and Redemption. the wonderful creativity of God, the extensiv depravity of man the absolute necessity of the Spirirt

2015-04-26 AM

April 26, 2015
Ministry of the WordJohn 21:15-19Our Saviour reinstates His fallen diciplea) He deals with Peters betrayalb) He describes Peter's taskc) He determines Peter's future

2015-04-05 PM

April 5, 2015
Ministry of the Word: 1 Corinthians 15:12-14; 20; 26; 42; 57The Dreadful "IF" Has Been RefutedWe shall see that here in Scripture a vexing question is asked a firm retort…