2015-04-05 AM

April 5, 2015
Ministry of the Word:Luke 24:5-12, 34THE LORD HAS RISEN!We see that the glorious news is rejected, the grim site is inspected, the great miracle is accepted.

2015-04-03 AM

April 3, 2015
Ministry of the Word in John 19:38-42 Good Friday They laid him hereJesus is claimed - not forgotten, honoured - no neglected, burried - not discarded.

2015-01-18 PM

January 18, 2015
Ministry of the Word as confessed in Lord's Day 20:THE BEAUTY OF THE SPIRITyou can see it in: the wonder of His person the marvel of His works

2015-01-18 AM

January 18, 2015
Ministry of the WordRevelations 6The opening of the first six seals reveals:1. Devastations on earth2. Outbursts in heaven3. Upheavals in creation4. Comfort for troubled souls

2015-01-04 AM

January 4, 2015
Ministry of the Word:Luke 2:22-38The LORD of the temple comes to the temple of the LORDThere see Him dedicated by Joseph and Mary, recognized by Simeon, promoted by Anna

2014-12-28 AM

December 28, 2014
Ministry of the Word:Matthew 2:1-12The Magi come to worship the new born King of the Jews The Lord's unusual guidance The Word's unexpected fulfillment The Magi's unrestrained worship

2014-12-25 AM

December 25, 2014
The Nativity of the Lord Ministry of the Word:Luke 2:1-7, 12, 16From Palace to Manger An unexpected cast of characters An unusual set of circumstances An unlikely turn of events

2014-08-10 PM

August 10, 2014
Ministry of the Word Revelation 4A Throne in HeavenBehold Look, who is on the throne what comes from the throne what is before the throne who are around the throne…