2020-05-03 PM

May 3, 2020
Public Reading of Holy Scripture Galatians 6 Ministry of the Word in Lords Day 15 I believe in a suffering Saviour He solved the problem He was sentence by Pilate…

2020-04-19 PM

April 19, 2020
Public Reading of Holy Scripture Hebrews 2:1-18 Hebres 4:14-16 Ministry of the Word as confessed in Lord's Day 14 I Believe in the Miraculous Virgin Birth of Jesus! The ridicule…

2020-04-12 AM

April 12, 2020
Public Reading of Holy Scripture John 20:1-18 Ministry of the Word in John 20:11-17 Words that matter: "Mary" He seeks you in your sorrow He knows your name He brings…

2020-04-05 PM

April 5, 2020
Public Reading of Holy Scripture John 20:24-31 Ministry of the Word as confessed in Lord's Day 13 Give Praise to the Son! For He is glorious For He is gracious…

2020-04-05 AM

April 5, 2020
Public Reading of Holy Scripture John 14 Ministry of the Word in John 14:1-10 Words that matter: "I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life" The Reason for this…