Public Reading of Holy Scripture Galatians 6 Ministry of the Word in Lords Day 15 I believe in a suffering Saviour He solved the problem He was sentence by Pilate…
Public Reading of Holy Scripture Hebrews 2:1-18 Hebres 4:14-16 Ministry of the Word as confessed in Lord's Day 14 I Believe in the Miraculous Virgin Birth of Jesus! The ridicule…
Public Reading of Holy Scripture John 20:1-18 Ministry of the Word in John 20:11-17 Words that matter: "Mary" He seeks you in your sorrow He knows your name He brings…
Public Reading of Holy Scripture John 19 Ministry of the Word in John 19:30 Words that Matter: It is Finished It has all been fulfilled It has all been won…
Public Reading of Holy Scripture John 20:24-31 Ministry of the Word as confessed in Lord's Day 13 Give Praise to the Son! For He is glorious For He is gracious…
Public Reading of Holy Scripture John 14 Ministry of the Word in John 14:1-10 Words that matter: "I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life" The Reason for this…
Public reading of the holy scripture: Ezekiel 34:1-17 Ministry of the word John 10:7-18 Words that Matter "I am the Good Shepherd" 1. Watching over his sheep 2. Willing to…
Public Reading of Holy Scripture John 6:22-71 Ministry of the Word in John 6:35 Words that matter: I am the Bread of Life This word uncomfortably shocks This word ultimately…
Public Reading of Holy Scripture John 1:1-17 Ministry of the Word in John 8:12 Words That Matter "I am the Light of the World" This light feared by all This…