April 19, 2020 2020-04-19 PM Preacher: Pastor Jeremy Segstro Passage: Lord's Day 14 Service Type: Sunday Afternoon PausePlay% buffered00:0000:00UnmuteMuteDisable captionsEnable captionsSettingsCaptionsDisabledQuality0SpeedNormalCaptionsGo back to previous menuQualityGo back to previous menuSpeedGo back to previous menu0.5×0.75×Normal1.25×1.5×1.75×2×4×PIPExit fullscreenEnter fullscreenPlay Public Reading of Holy Scripture Hebrews 2:1-18 Hebres 4:14-16 Ministry of the Word as confessed in Lord's Day 14 I Believe in the Miraculous Virgin Birth of Jesus! The ridicule over this miracle The reason for this miracle The result of this miracle « 2020-04-12 AM 2020-04-26 PM »