Public Reading of Holy Scripture Matthew 27:57-28:15 Ministry of the Word in Matthew 28:6-7 Christ's resurrection is the beginning of something new Come and see Go and tell
Ministry of the Word as confessed in Lord's Day 16We confess that Christ's death benefits us The benefit for our dying The benefit for our living
God's promise to estabilish David's House will always endure Death cannot destroy it Sin cannot overcome it Time cannot exaust it
Ministry of the Word as confessed in Lord's Day 4God punishes people who turn away from Him That punishment is earned That punishment is eternal That punishment does not diminsh…
Ministry of the Word:Mark 1: 9-13At Jesus' baptism God proclaims the new Messianic age is here by opening the heavens by anointing the Messiah by calling the Messiah by sending…
Ministry of the Word in Romans 8:5-11When we belong to Jesus, the Holy Spirit gives us the power to changeApart from Christ the sinful nature brings deathWith Christ the Holy…
Ministry of the Word:Isaiah 43:16-21Praise the Lord because he transforms our lives Remember the Lord's power to transform in the past See the transformation the Lord is bringing in the…
Ministry of the Word:Matthew 3:13-17God reveals the calling that Jesus accepted with John's baptism with His Spirit and His Word
Ministry of the Word 1 Corinthians 1-21-25We believe the message of the cross because of the wisdom and power of God. The message of the cross is foolishness to those…