Public Reading of Holy Scripture Ephesians 4:26-32 Ministry of the Word in Proverbs 29:11 Learning Wisdom Anger and the Christian Life Human Anger Devine Anger
Public Reading of Holy Scripture Belgic Confession Article 1 Ministry of the Word in 1 Timothy 6:11-16 Confessing our faith: God is Great and God is Good
Public Reading of Holy Scripture Hebrews 11:8-22 Ministry of the Word in Genesis 50 The Lord will provide 1. amid distress 2. amid doubt 3. amid death
Public Reading of Holy Scripture Genesis 23 Ministry of the Word in Genesis 23 SEEKING A HOMELAND Keyword: Posession
Ministry of the Word in Genesis 19 PLANTING ROOTS
Confessional Reading Canons of Dort Chapter 5: Articles 1-8 Ministry of the Word in John 10:14-30 Redemption preserved: The believer and sin
Public Reading of Holy Scripture Leviticus 15:19-31 Ministry of the Word in Luke 8:40-56 Finally, a glimmer of hope!
Public Reading of Holy Scripture Isaiah 26 Ministry of the Word in Luke 7:11-17 Who is this? One who has authority over death The sorrow of death The joy of…
Public Reading of Holy Scripture Psalm 94 Ministry of the Word in Job 13:1-27 Going to court with God indictment appeal