November 22, 2020 2020-11-22 PM Preacher: Pastor Jeremy Segstro Passage: Genesis 9:1-17 Service Type: Sunday Afternoon PausePlay% buffered00:0000:00UnmuteMuteDisable captionsEnable captionsSettingsCaptionsDisabledQuality0SpeedNormalCaptionsGo back to previous menuQualityGo back to previous menuSpeedGo back to previous menu0.5×0.75×Normal1.25×1.5×1.75×2×4×PIPExit fullscreenEnter fullscreenPlay Public Reading of Holy Scripture Genesis 9:1-17 Ministry of the Word as summarized in Lord's day 26 Let us not make too little of the Sacrament of Baptism What Baptism does for God What Baptism does for us « 2020-11-22 AM 2020-11-29 AM »