Public Reading of Holy Scripture 1 Corinthians 1:18-31 Ministry of the Word in James 3:13-18 Are you wise? Earthly 'Wisdom' and its fruit Heavenly wisdom and its fruit
Public Reading of Holy Scripture Revelation 14:1-13 Ministry of the Word as summarized in Lord's day 22 WE NEED NOT FEAR DEATH 1. We Have an Immortal Soul 2. We…
Public Reading of Holy Scripture 1 Corinthians 6 Ministry of the Word in LORDS DAY 21 Who Is The Church? Forgiven Sinners Beloved Misfits United Saints
How long, o Lord? 1. yearning for God 2. wrestling with God 3. resting in God
Public Reading of Holy Scripture Ezekiel 34:1-24, 1 Timothy 2 Ministry of the Word as summarized in Belgic Confession Articles 30 & 31 Governing Christ's Chruch: The Officers of the…
Do you long for the Lord's return? 1. when He will execute eternal punishment 2. when He will secure eternal joy
Public Reading of Holy Scripture Isaiah 44:1-23 Ministry of the Word in LORDS DAY 34 Q. & A. 94, 95 Nine Attractions of Idolatry and Their Antidote
Public Reading of Holy Scripture Hebrews 12:1-13 Ministry of the Word in Psalm 38 I WILL WAIT UPON THE LORD: IN THE DAY OF MY SIN The Punishment The Acknowledgement…
Public Reading of Holy Scripture Ephesians 4:1-16 Ministry of the Word in LORDS DAY 19 Our Lord's Glorious Position He is There to Receive His People He is There to…
Public Reading of Holy Scripture Hebrews 4:8-5:10 Ministry of the Word in Lord's Day 18 The great benefit of having our exact flesh in heaven with Christ 1. Christ intercedes…