Public Reading of Holy Scripture Revelation 1 Ephesians 2:1-10 Ministry of the Word in as summarized in the Heidelberg Catechism Lord's Day 17 I Believe in Jesus Christ: The Firstborn…
Public Reading of Holy Scripture Galatians 3:1-14; Galatians 6:11-18 Ministry of the Word in LORDS DAY 16 I Love the Old Rugged Cross Despite What It Is Despite of What…
Public Reading of Holy Scripture Acts 17:1-9 Ministry of the Word in 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 Let us keep awake and be sober as we live in light of the day…
OUR GOD IS A MIGHTY FORTRESS and as our fortress he gives us: 1. Confidence 2. Life 3. Peace
WE BELIVE THAT JESUS THE CHRIST IS UNIQUE 1. He is Unique as He is God 2. He is Unique as He is Lord
Why is Jesus Called Christ? 1. a Prophet who speaks to this world 2. a Priest who serves in this world 3. a King who rules over this world
JESUS: A PORTRAIT OF OUR BLESSED SAVIOUR 1. Our Absolute Need 2. His Absolute Provision
Public Reading of Holy Scripture Psalm 88 Ministry of the Word in Lords Day 9 God Is Always My Father Though He Unlike Other Fathers Though HIs Providence May Be…