Public Reading of Holy Scripture Philippians 1:12-30 Ministry of the Word in Ecclesiastes 12:8-14 Ending Well The Days Where Nothing Matters The Day When Everything Matters
"It's Not Fair" 1. Why God's justice is fair 2. Why we don't want fair
Public Reading of Holy Scripture Deuteronomy 6:4-9 Ministry of the Word as summarized in Lord's Day 27 God places our children into His family.
Public Reading of Holy Scripture Isaiah 8:11-22 Ministry of the Word in Ecclesiastes 5:1-7 How do you Walk In(to) Church? 1. With gravity 2. With God 3. With gladness
Public Reading of Holy Scripture Romans 8:1-30 Ministry of the Word in Romans 8:31-39 When we live in the Spirit by thinking through what God teaches us in His Word,…
Public Reading of Holy Scripture Psalm 55 Ministry of the Word in John 13:21-30 IT'S A COMFORT KNOWING CHRIST IS IN CONTROL We'll consider how His control is: Comprehensive Caring…
Public Reading of Holy Scripture Genesis 3 Ministry of the Word in Lords Day 3 Our Plunge Into Sin Our Creation Our Cost Our Confidence
Ministry of the Word in Isaiah 53:4-5 The Trade of the Suffering Servant He Took Our Punishment He Gave His Peace
Public Reading of Holy Scripture Belgic Confession Article 1 Ministry of the Word in 1 Timothy 6:11-16 Confessing our faith: God is Great and God is Good
Confessional Reading Belgic Confession Article 1 Ministry of the Word in Romans 10:9-13 Confessing our Faith: The only God We Confess that there is only one God We Believe in…